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自主海洋核心 is the key to the autonomous battleground of the future. It enables crewed and un-crewed assets to work together, 操作员可以在控制系统的不同自治级别之间轻松、可预测地无缝移动.


自主海洋核心是一种控制系统,可以使无人驾驶的自主中小型船舶在水面和水下以安全和可预测的方式工作. It gives navies a new level of surveillance and a tactical edge, 提高可用性和效率,减少对现有人力的依赖.


  • Assault: Where the craft has a payload such as missiles, mines and torpedoes. 
  • 水雷对抗:该艇装备有搜索和消除水雷的系统. 
  • ISTAR: Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance. 
  • Logistics: A vessel for transporting materiel such as fuel or ammunition. 
  • Electronic warfare: where a craft has tele-warfare capabilities. 
  • 搜索 and rescue: Reducing a crew’s risk during operations.


自主海洋核心 is a vessel-agnostic system. With an open interface, the system can be tailor-made to fit the craft of your choice. 专为即插即用, 您的船舶参数可以输入到自主海洋核心船舶运动控制中,以启用无人驾驶功能.

在集成上节省宝贵的时间,并从船上的自主海洋核心的无限可能性中获益. A solid foundation to build and expand autonomy and AI.


自主海洋核心 opens up a myriad of possibilities, from basic remote control to full AI of the future. 容易理解, 易于使用, 并且易于部署, 自主海洋核心开启, scalable system lets you build intelligence for any specific task or mission. 

开放、安全和强大的自主海洋核心为构建系统和新智能提供了基础. 加入十大正规博彩网站评级的智能系统, or implement capability modules from other fleets and by third-parties.


自主海洋核心 consists of a control system, 硬件和软件, implemented on a remotely controlled vessel. 无限添加不同的能力模块,为不同的任务和任务创建一系列功能. 从远程控制到全AI. 从陆地、海上或空中的移动控制站控制船只.

The Saab advantage – a whole new autonomous world at sea

十大正规博彩网站评级拥有技术优势和完整的产品组合,可提供无人系统的多种功能. We deliver a range of technology including navigation systems, 电子战, 遥控车辆, 先进雷达系统, 光电传感器 & 效应器等. 自主Ocean Core可以作为完整的无人系统的一部分交付,也可以单独交付. 

Our wide range of products and solutions for the naval domain, 还有空气, 土地, 和安全, in combination with our expertise in system integration, provide system-of-systems solutions with endless capabilities.


Built-in redundancy and a system of radar, 摄像机和传感器使船只能够安全地在任务的航路点之间航行. Eliminating the risk of collision with static and dynamic objects, and reducing the possibility of human error. 

自主海洋核心 Manoeuvre Modes provide secure route planning. 管理你的飞船从直接控制到自动路线规划和执行的操作.


With 自主海洋核心, the only limit is your imagination. 例如, 由“自主海洋核心”提供动力的飞船一次可以在一个地区驻扎数周,以探测和通知可能立即发生的任何威胁. Similarly, craft can be assigned to track submarines or detect and nullify mines.


创新是十大正规博彩网站评级基因的一部分. 对我们来说,自动驾驶被定义为一种新兴技术,对我们未来的工作至关重要. 

Autonomy is more than moving an asset from one position to another. That's why our capabilities within the autonomous field are capable of handling dozens, 甚至上百人, of assets teaming and collaborating together to solve a mission. 

自主海洋核心 changes the game as the enabler of the un-crewed, 未来的自主舰队.
