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Saab Global

MSHORAD: Saab’s response to the new battlefield

Over the past decade, 战场上的威胁已经演变成更加复杂和不可预测的东西, through a mixture of new advanced weapons technology, shifting geopolitical tides and changing battle scenarios. 地面防空系统比以往任何时候都更加重要,无论是静态的还是机动的. 


A wide range of established airborne threats such as fighters, helicopters, 除了导弹之外,还有新的威胁,比如武装无人机和漂浮弹药. The need to both detect and counter them all, while deploying with speed and mobility, 一直处于十大正规博彩网站评级移动近程防空(MSHORAD)系统开发的前沿, which can be easily installed to every vehicle platform. 该解决方案基于RBS 70 NG导弹系统,称为移动发射单元(MFU)和长颈鹿1X雷达,称为移动雷达单元(MRU)。. 它们都是灵活系统的完美示例,因为它们可以根据需要重新部署. 通过完全集成的指挥和控制(C2)系统,可以创建本地空中图像, threats evaluated and automatic engagement support is provided. 行动后审查可使以后对局势作出评价,从而有助于规划下一个特派团. 由于其高机动性,十大正规博彩网站评级的MSHORAD能够跟上并保护现代机动地面部队的所有部分. 


Multi target capability with RBS 70 NG

MSHORAD的机动射击单元基于RBS 70 NG可以集成到几乎任何车辆平台上,因此非常通用. Travelling alongside units, 它为移动战区的地面部队提供保护和防御. Within just five seconds, once data is provided by the intelligent C2 system, the missiles engage with the target. Beyond that, 该系统可以很容易地作为单兵便携式配置重新部署,并且设计用于任何气候. RBS 70 NG仍在目标上,不受任何反制措施的影响, heat sources and other interfering influences. During optical tracking, the operator can use manual control at any time after launch, and thus change the target point, supported by improved aiming aids and auto-tracker. 通过使用集成热成像设备,RBS 70 NG系统可以昼夜工作. 瞄准镜也可以用作传感器来探测可能的威胁. 该系统的进一步优点:自动目标跟踪器,增加命中概率,以及不可干扰的激光制导系统. A total of 19 countries, including several NATO countries, 迄今为止,已经采购了1600多套RBS 70和RBS 70 NG, in addition to more than 18,000 missiles.

Giraffe 1X MSHORAD

Superior detection with Giraffe 1X – standing and in motion

长颈鹿1X高分辨率三维有源相控阵雷达是一种多功能多任务监视系统,可探测快速导弹和小型无人机, as well as RAM targets, in high-clutter environments. 作为一个MRU,由于“在移动中搜索”功能,它也在移动中工作, an asset, 在今天的现代战争中,随着来自四面八方的威胁,哪个变得越来越重要. Giraffe 1X delivers a 360°, 75公里的态势感知与同步空中监视, GBAD目标获取以及RAM感知和警告功能,而不会降低性能. Thanks to the built in Drone Tracker, 增强了检测和分类低的功能, 最具挑战性的无人机威胁慢速和小物体也得到处理. The radar covers, 整个搜索量每秒,并提供防空指挥官交战质量的目标数据和预警,同时跟踪超过600个目标的能力. 它的重量不到150公斤,功耗很低,很容易集成到小型车辆中. 

当今地面防空系统的重要性在于机动性, scalability, 不同系统和平台的联网以及成本效率, reliability and modularity. MSHORAD的模块化设计提供了灵活性,可以与现有设备一起安装,从而节省资源. MSHORAD是十大正规博彩网站评级公司对新战场时代的回应,它将探测任何目标, react and strike when time is of essence.



Air threats are ever-evolving. 我们的MSHORAD解决方案提供了高度机动和强大的防空能力来有效识别, deter, or neutralize airborne threats.

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